Skein magic and its uses (from Dragonsigns)

Notes of Mateo Vargas, Rayo Hill, 1977
Substance has been referred to as “skein” (pronounced skayn) — reasons unconfirmed.
Color: deep green, with a silvery sheen to it.
There’s the question, isn’t it? The skein can appear as a thick liquid or putty, and then harden to something stronger than steel.
And its strength and its very shape can change, driven by the thoughts of the person touching it. Based on this, and the hints that it’s been part of Rayo Hill history for decades, I’m inclined to call it something other than some unknown technology. It might as well be called “magic.”
Common use: armor.
I have seen a man coat himself in the skein and shrug off bullets. More than that, it can partially absorb the actual force of an impact itself, where simple armor should not have protected its wearer. Since its shape can also change, a wearer can draw out sharp talons or blades from it to increase its deadliness, and those blades are also hard enough to score metal.
More dangerously, the act of reshaping the skein is a weapon in itself. With enough skein and a strong mental control, its own motion can be made more powerful and faster than the muscles of the person inside it. A man encased in skein is vulnerable only at his unprotected points, or perhaps to more powerful weapons — but, difficult to use a rifle (or any firearm) against a threat moving in ten-foot-long steps.
Its greatest weakness may be to other skein. The hardness of its blade and the strength of its attack seem like the best chance to penetrate this protection. Have begun training with what supplies are available.
Most ominous: in addition to this direct power, the substance can somehow bend light to render its user effectively invisible. A faint shimmering effect remains, difficult to notice even for someone aware that such a thing is possible.
Threat potential to this town… obvious.
More peaceful uses…
Shifting, metal-hard shapes must have a range of uses as tools. (Including tools for burglary and theft, from the signs I’ve found.) This precision seems more difficult than forming protections and weapons, and the artist in me thinks the skein itself prefers fighting to building. An impression to test, some day.
Medical advantages: skein has been of great help with injuries I’ve sustained in the search. It can bandage wounds, and even take the strain from injuries by bracing or moving them instead of my own muscles. Prosthetic uses: clear, if a supply existed.
And what a Pandora’s Box that would be. Have begun to understand the appeal in keeping its existence hidden.
If I get the choice. Immediate threat must be stopped, for the good of this whole town. Then can decide on legacy.